Friday, December 24, 2010

Family Friday!

It's been a long couple of months without a post in this poor little blog. Big D's been keeping me busy and on my toes! I'm so excited for his first Christmas! The little guy and I have just over a month left together before I head back to work *sob, sob* so we're going to make the best out of the next 5 weeks!

Here's my munchkin chatting with Santa.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts

Well I'm back from vacation and have been thinking a lot about food.
I developed a very changed relationship with food when I got pregnant with my son. I stopped loving it. I realize now, that was just a 9 month change, but it was enough to really make me stop and think about it. I hated the smell, taste, and texture of it and then later hated how it made me feel. Pregnancy didn't agree with me and my digestion. I lost about 20lbs throughout the 9 months and ate like a bird, enough to sustain me and the little being I was growing inside.

Once he was out, I went on a bender. Seriously. I ate like I had starved for 9 months. I guess I sort of had. My portions grew bigger, my love for chocolate returned and I started indulging. My relationship with food had returned as had some extra weight.

Spending this much time at home, I also felt the need to experiment with foods. Change up our meal plans. I haven't done as much of this as I'd like, but I feel like September will be the turning of a new leaf again.

September 1 will mark a new relationship with food. One where I respect it and its ability to make me ginormously huge. And one where I stop with the status quo and start getting creative.

Little does hubby know, until he reads this blog or we get to tomorrow, whichever comes first, but we're going on a diet. Well, maybe not an actual diet, but a lifestyle overhaul. We'll have our moments, sure, because food is just too good. But we're dropping the lbs, getting healthy, enjoying our meals and renovating our relationship with food.

Starting tomorrow. :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mommy Monday - Food!

We've been working through purees for a few weeks now, but I thought I'd give my little monkey some real meat to see whether he'd be interested. HOLY SMOKES! The kid's a carnivore for sure! He was all over the strip of pork chop and even tried to hide if from me when I attempted to take it away to feed more sweet potato purees.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mommy Monday - Baptism

Our beautiful boy had his Baptism yesterday. He, and the other 2 babies, were such troopers in the hot and humid church through a fairly long sermon. There was no sympathy crying, but we did have some sympathy rasberrrying started by our little monkey. Nothing like a big pffbbbtttt in the middle of Luke somethingorother.
The humidity killed my hair. Such nice curls gone flat. Boo.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I was giving some thought the other day to a friend who has kinda dropped off the face of my planet. I thought she'd be around more, take interest in the baby, catch up. I have sent some emails and they often go unreturned. I make attempts to meet up, but they are always met with busy schedule. Don't get me wrong, I know people are busy, lead busy lives and just because I'm available on maternity leave doesn't mean everyone is. That's not what I'm saying at all. I guess, I've seen this friend rally around other gals once the babies have been born and taken a real interest in their lives. I guess I'm just not the friend I thought I was to her.

On a different note, I've been attempting to bake cookies all afternoon so I'd have a Foodie Friday post, but the little monster had a different agenda. Instead of basking in the delight and smells of freshly baked cookies, he has been nap fighting and whining. On this rainy Friday, my dear child, you should let Mama bake! It does her body good...well, it does her mind good. The body's another story.


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