Friday, December 24, 2010

Family Friday!

It's been a long couple of months without a post in this poor little blog. Big D's been keeping me busy and on my toes! I'm so excited for his first Christmas! The little guy and I have just over a month left together before I head back to work *sob, sob* so we're going to make the best out of the next 5 weeks!

Here's my munchkin chatting with Santa.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts

Well I'm back from vacation and have been thinking a lot about food.
I developed a very changed relationship with food when I got pregnant with my son. I stopped loving it. I realize now, that was just a 9 month change, but it was enough to really make me stop and think about it. I hated the smell, taste, and texture of it and then later hated how it made me feel. Pregnancy didn't agree with me and my digestion. I lost about 20lbs throughout the 9 months and ate like a bird, enough to sustain me and the little being I was growing inside.

Once he was out, I went on a bender. Seriously. I ate like I had starved for 9 months. I guess I sort of had. My portions grew bigger, my love for chocolate returned and I started indulging. My relationship with food had returned as had some extra weight.

Spending this much time at home, I also felt the need to experiment with foods. Change up our meal plans. I haven't done as much of this as I'd like, but I feel like September will be the turning of a new leaf again.

September 1 will mark a new relationship with food. One where I respect it and its ability to make me ginormously huge. And one where I stop with the status quo and start getting creative.

Little does hubby know, until he reads this blog or we get to tomorrow, whichever comes first, but we're going on a diet. Well, maybe not an actual diet, but a lifestyle overhaul. We'll have our moments, sure, because food is just too good. But we're dropping the lbs, getting healthy, enjoying our meals and renovating our relationship with food.

Starting tomorrow. :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mommy Monday - Food!

We've been working through purees for a few weeks now, but I thought I'd give my little monkey some real meat to see whether he'd be interested. HOLY SMOKES! The kid's a carnivore for sure! He was all over the strip of pork chop and even tried to hide if from me when I attempted to take it away to feed more sweet potato purees.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mommy Monday - Baptism

Our beautiful boy had his Baptism yesterday. He, and the other 2 babies, were such troopers in the hot and humid church through a fairly long sermon. There was no sympathy crying, but we did have some sympathy rasberrrying started by our little monkey. Nothing like a big pffbbbtttt in the middle of Luke somethingorother.
The humidity killed my hair. Such nice curls gone flat. Boo.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I was giving some thought the other day to a friend who has kinda dropped off the face of my planet. I thought she'd be around more, take interest in the baby, catch up. I have sent some emails and they often go unreturned. I make attempts to meet up, but they are always met with busy schedule. Don't get me wrong, I know people are busy, lead busy lives and just because I'm available on maternity leave doesn't mean everyone is. That's not what I'm saying at all. I guess, I've seen this friend rally around other gals once the babies have been born and taken a real interest in their lives. I guess I'm just not the friend I thought I was to her.

On a different note, I've been attempting to bake cookies all afternoon so I'd have a Foodie Friday post, but the little monster had a different agenda. Instead of basking in the delight and smells of freshly baked cookies, he has been nap fighting and whining. On this rainy Friday, my dear child, you should let Mama bake! It does her body good...well, it does her mind good. The body's another story.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Random babbles

Some random babbles on a rainy Wednesday afternoon...

I should be tidying up the house before Hubs gets home.
I hope he likes dinner. I am so uninspired in the kitchen and don't know what to make.
Father's Day is this weekend and I only have part of his little gift. I don't know what to get him.
I started Christmas shopping today.
I could use a nap.
I wonder if the baby will sleep through the night tonight.
I doubt he will.
Thursday is likely to be a great day, but I have to do a bunch of things in the house so it'll be a pj day.
The baby is not napping, but he should.
I need to reorganize the baby gear in the house. Our living room looks like a Babies R Us display.
I wish we also got the American Food Network.
I'm procrastinating.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Paranoia much?

I hate people ringing the doorbell when I'm home alone. I won't answer the door unless I am expecting a delivery or I recognize your shoes through the slit in the blinds.

I've always been this way.

I remember babysitting my sister in the summers and the doorbell would ring and we'd hide around the corner, out of sight, in case the person peeked through the window.

I'm still this way. I don't know what it is. I guess it's me wondering if someone tried to bust in the door, could I take him/her out.

So lady ringing my doorbell over and over. I'm not coming to the door. Even though, in my quick assessment, I could totally kick your ass.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mama gets it

Oh big guy, Mama gets it. I feel the same way sometimes.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Mommy Monday

I've been working on getting my shit together. Now that I feel like we're into a daily routine, I felt I needed to get the house under control as well. Don't get me wrong, we're not living in a pig sty, but clutter is easily piled up and it stresses me out. I'm a packrat by nature and I believe Hubs is as well and the two of us enable each other and it's not pretty. Add a 5-almost-6 year old and a department store's worth of baby gear to the mix and it's a freaking disaster.

Despite doing my best to tidy up after the baby and keep the 5-almost-6 year old in check, I can't mother my own husband. That's just not sexy. So in an attempt to regain control of the house, I'm taking some tips from other mamas and doing a load of laundry a day and 1 chore. This is definitely helping me to feel productive even when I don't want to be or just can't.

I'm well on my way to Mother of the Year (snort).

In other news, feast your eyes on the Future Man of Your Dreams.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Foodie Friday - stir fry

In an effort to increase our fresh veggie intake and couple that with my recent obsession with udon noodles, I made a stir fry. A little of this, a little of that and we ended up with a delightful dinner!

Tonight we're off to Charcoal Steakhouse for Hubs' birthday dinner tonight. The weekend will be filled with lots of celebration and cake! Yum! Guess the diet will resume Monday. Did it even get started yet?!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's been a busy week in Momville.
Some sleepless nights followed by lazy days. Errands, prepping for the long weekend, tidying up. No time to blog!

Hubs has been a saint this week giving me a break with some night feedings. He's a gem and I can't thank him enough for stepping up to the plate when I need it!

Gotta run, laundry's calling my name and soon after, Big D will be up and ready for an afternoon of baby time!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Foodie Friday

It's Foodie Friday!

Tonight I'm on my own for dinner, but might pick up some Thai takeout while I wait for Hubs to come home.

Big D and I are heading out to the grocery store this afternoon. On our menu this week will be the following:

  • steak, twice baked potatoes and corn on the cob
  • chicken ceasar pitas
  • stiry fry
  • homemade burgers, roasted potatoes and veggies
  • lasagna (if the boss gives me time to make it)
  • Sunday breakfast will be crepes with warm berry sauce

Hopefully I'll think to grab a few photos and will add them!

Happy eating!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mommy Monday

I celebrated my first Mother's Day this weekend. I can't believe almost a year ago now, I found out I was going to BE a Mom! I was nervous, excited, naive....Then as the awful 9 months of pregnancy went by, I got to know the little bean kicking and squirming inside me. I was anticipating his birth day, but didn't think he'd ever come out. His birth was traumatic for me and ended in an emergency c-section and the little guy screamed bloody murder when he was pulled out. I cried tears of relief, happiness, and to relieve stress.

As much as I always wanted to be a mom, I didn't think I'd ever get the chance. It's been a trying 3 months so far, but I love him more than I thought I could ever love anyone in this world and he's made me so happy. To have a little being look up at me with unconditional love (unless he's hungry and mad I'm not providing dinosh fast enough) melts my heart.

Here I am with my little man at 2.5 weeks old.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

It's my first Mother's Day today!! We had some snuggles this morning and the little monkey is giving Mama the best gift - a nap. He's quiet and sleeping and it's the perfect time to shower!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dear Dominic

Dear Dominic,

Mama knows what she's talkin' bout. You're tired. I can see that. I can also hear your whining and Mama doesn't speak fluent whine. Take my advice. Seriously. It's not rocket science. If we could have a rational conversation, we would. When I put you in your crib, swaddle you into a baby burrito and pop the soother in your mouth, that's not your cue to spit the soother out, squirm your arms out of the swaddle and give me the flirty baby eyes. As cute as I think you are, you're cuter when you're happy. Sleep.

Your loving Mommy,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mommy Monday

I've been a mom since February 4, 2010. The scariest and happiest day of my life! I can't believe my little monster will be 3 months tomorrow.

He's going through the 3 month growth spurt and I'm going through the 3 month aging process. I'm sure with the shedding hairs post-pregnancy, the others are secretly turning gray. Fingers crossed, he'll go back to sleeping through most of the night and will give me a bit more than 3 hours between feeds. On a good note, he's napping more during the day which means mama gets to have some "me" time.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First Post

This isn't my first time around the blogisphere. In fact, I used to have my own domain. That was back in the day of daily bloggin'.

I'll do my best to entertain myself and hopefully you as well.



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